Minor Projects

  1. Web Code Editor

    usnig (html,css,javascript) :
    this is real-time HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code editor for seamless coding and instant live previews.

  2. Notes App

    usnig (html,css,javascript) :
    personalized notes app create, delete individual notes, and erase them all. Harness the power of local storage for seamless data management."

  3. QR- Genrator

    usnig (html,css,javascript) :
    It is a niche tool that is used to generate different types of QR Codes. Depending on your purpose, you can use our generator to create QR Codes to open a website, view a PDF file, listen to music, watch Youtube videos, store image files, connect to a WiFi network, and much more."

  4. Text To Speech Converter

    usnig (html,css,javascript) :
    Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It's sometimes called “read aloud” technology. TTS can take words on a computer or other digital device and convert them into audio.

  5. To-Do-List

    usnig (html,css,javascript) :
    an application specially built to keep track of errands or tasks that need to be done. This application will be like a task keeper where the user would be able to enter the tasks that they need to do.

  6. SIP_LUMSUM_Calculator

    usnig (html,css,javascript) :
    SIP Cal :
    A SIP plan calculator works by the values entered by the users. You must enter the amount of investment, frequency of investment, duration of investment, and the expected returns. The SIP return calculator is designed based on the compound interest formula. The compounded interest powers the mutual fund returns..
    LumSum Cal :
    A lump sum amount is defined as a single complete sum of money. A lump sum investment is of the entire amount at one go. For example, if an investor is willing to invest the entire amount available with him in a mutual fund, it will refer to as lump sum mutual fund investment.

  7. Clock

    usnig (html,css,javascript) :
    a digital clock with a primary function to keep accurate track of time even when a power supply is turned off or a device is placed in low power mode.


Major Projects

  1. Web Code Editor

    this is code editor we can code html css j.s that can reflact without refresh

    Code link
  2. Notes App

    this is code editor we can code html css j.s that can reflact without refresh

    Code link